Will someone believe if a man reports an incident?

Will someone believe if a man reports an incident?

This is the question I hear most often from men who have experienced workplace sexual harassment. And here’s what I tell them:

In India, the POSH Act focuses primarily on protecting women, but its essence is about creating a safe workplace for all. Even though the Act is gender-specific, you should still report any harassment. Your company can and should take action under other internal policies or legal provisions.

Many companies have gender-neutral POSH policies. These ensure that any form of harassment is addressed, no matter the gender of the victim or perpetrator. Your complaint will be taken seriously if your workplace has such a policy.

No gender-neutral policy? No problem. Most organizations have a Code of Conduct (CoC) that addresses harassment. File your complaint under those provisions. If needed, seek legal advice for further action.

Unfortunately, society often stereotypes men as not being victims of harassment, leading to disbelief and stigma. This bias can cause severe emotional distress, including anxiety and depression. Men also face mockery and crass humour, trivialising their experiences and discouraging reporting.

What can you do if facing any such experience in your workplace?

  • Keep detailed records of incidents, including dates, times, and witnesses.
  • Seek support from colleagues or superiors.
  • Many companies offer confidential counselling.
  • If possible, use anonymous reporting channels.

Remember, you have the right to a safe and respectful workplace. Reporting harassment is a step towards ensuring that right is upheld.

AuthorPallavi Pareek is the Founder and MD of Ungender. Having handled more than 6000 sexual harassment and workplace misconduct cases, she is an expert in the field of workplace sexual harassment laws and in building diverse and inclusive workplaces. Pallavi is also the leading advisor, trainer, consultant, and external member for some of India’s biggest organizations in these matters. Her approach is grounded in research, and she draws upon the latest insights and best practices to inform her work.

The above insights are a product of our learning from our advisory work at Ungender. Our Team specialises in advising workplaces on gender centric laws.

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