Why Ungender Focuses on Making Inclusive Workplaces

Inclusive workspaces traverse beyond being limited to infrastructural spaces. The dynamic workflow and simultaneously how workspaces have transferred online has made accessibility an important diversity and inclusion mandate. Moreover, accessible spaces also apply to women and gender minorities who have had trouble gaining access into spaces dominated by cis-men. This form of inaccessibility continues to exist even in remote workspaces. Ungender’s diversity and inclusion services helps corporates remove barriers of accessibility when it comes to mandates that speak of equity and inclusion.
How do Inclusive Workplaces Impact Employee Morale?
Inclusion refers to how spaces implement policies to benefit marginalised communities. Within workplaces, it refers to what workplaces do to make sure all their employees, irrespective of their position within the social strata have equal access to opportunity. Inclusive workplaces also focus on creating a work environment that fosters a sense of belonging for all employees. This also refers to creating equal opportunity to climb up verticals within corporate settings as well as incorporating diversity and inclusion mandates during the hiring process. Creating an inclusive workforce hence translates into creating more opportunity for employees to create productive output.
Oh, he is from x place, he must be like this; she smokes, she must be like that; they dress differently, don’t know what else is strange about them; they are living together without getting married, she doesn’t want to have kids, she is still unmarried, they are like that —–🛑 pic.twitter.com/WpFBbtbS1I
— Ungender (@UngenderTalks) August 2, 2021
Inclusivity has impacts on how employees find their space within a workplace. If an employee finds themselves alienated from the culture of the company, they will find themselves unable to contribute to the growth of the business. Hence, inclusivity impacts how an employee utilises their skills. Workplaces often focus on employee output without paying attention to how policies can impact that output. Accessibility is also an important aspect of how the overall productivity for workplaces is impacted. Accessibility is referred to as giving equal access to everyone irrespective of their social position. Statistically, studies have shown that diversity and inclusion mandates have had an impact on cashflow for the company. D&I mandates also have an impact on improving team performance. These mandates, if kept in place increase revenue due to employees’ sense of belonging to the workplace.
Why is it Important to Build Inclusive Workplaces?
Inclusive workplaces are not just a mandate that corporation must aspire for. It has navigated beyond just paper trails of display. A study in Deloitte says that,
“A growing body of research indicates that diverse and inclusive teams outperform their peers. Companies with inclusive talent practices in hiring, promotion, development, leadership, and team management generate up to 30 percent higher revenue per employee and greater profitability than their competitors. Without a strong culture of inclusion and flexibility, the team-centric model comprising diverse individuals may not perform well.”
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Diversity and inclusion have been rapidly growing to be the need of the hour. The shift to remote workplaces moreover, has raised more questions about how diversity and inclusion can benefit workplaces. Ungender’s advisory services focus on PoSH compliance, diversity and inclusion as well as LGBTQIA+ inclusion. This encompasses a large section of marginalised gender minorities that have had obstacles when it comes to accessing spaces dominated by cis-men. Moreover, Ungender focuses on driving D&I mandates as they contribute to higher team engagement as well as collaborative processes. Innovation and higher productivity follow these processes ensuring a higher revenue generation.
Inclusive Workplaces and It’s Impact on Marginalised Genders
Marginalised genders have been systematically alienated from equal access to opportunities within corporations. This has a negative impact on overall work output and in turn productivity for businesses. Inclusive workplaces ensure that marginalised genders have access to space and opportunity. Consequently, this ensures a larger workforce for work processes. Moreover, accessibility provided to marginalised genders also opens up the workforce for more marginalised communities to be involved in. This has a higher impact of creating belonging within workforces for higher employee output.
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Creating access and inclusive workforces also helps D&I leaders overcome biases. Bias training programs are an integral way to not only train employees and leaders about inclusivity within workforces but also helps create measurement analytics to analyse how these programs are effective and how D&I mandates also have had an influence on building productivity for the business.
Why is it Important to Have Advisories in Place?
Advisories that focus mainly on building diverse and inclusive workforces focus not only on employee belonging but also on how they can benefit work output. With D&I mandates and advisories, companies can achieve much more with a larger workforce. This creates an interactional relationship between the leaders and those working in the company. Advisories like Ungender, can help corporations with:
Bigger Talent Pool
Expanding recruitment processes with the help of advisories helps corporations gain access to a larger variety of skillsets. If archaic recruitment processes are still in place, corporations will not have the opportunity to interact with individuals with relevant skills that match up to be the best hire for businesses.
High Level of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is ensured when employees feel comfortable within their workplace. Inclusive policies help employees feel comfortable with the kind of work they are doing. This not only helps build employee trust but also helps employees maintain engagement with their work leading to higher productivity.
Higher Innovation from Employees
With employees feeling included within workplaces, their innovation and collaborative processes are boosted. While feeling included, employees also feel connected to their workforce and their work process. Advisories ensure that employees are not alienated from their team due to a difference in social segmentation.
Advisories that focus on building diverse and inclusive workplaces are able to ensure employee engagement while working on building accessible spaces for all marginalised communities. Inclusive workforces also help employees feel connected to their work purpose and helps leaders overcome biases for better engagement. Hence, advisories are the way forward for corporations to ensure productive and efficient employee output.
Written by: Anuska Roy
Ungender Insights is the product of our learning from advisory work at Ungender. Our team specializes in advising workplaces on workplace diversity and inclusion. Write to us at contact@ungender.in to understand how we can partner with your organization to build a more inclusive workplace.
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The above insights are a product of our learning from our advisory work at Ungender. Our Team specialises in advising workplaces on gender centric laws.
or email us at contact@ungender.in