POSH Training: Intensive Capacity Building Workshop For Internal Committee Members

Written by: Ungender Team
Ungender Legal Advisory and Conduct are conducting a capacity building workshop for internal committee members as part of its larger goal to train corporate India on all things POSH. If you are a company, you are invited to nominate your internal committee members for this workshop. This workshop is also beneficial for all those persons who are currently serving as internal committee members with their respective companies and are keen on refreshing their knowledge and undergo a training program under the expertise of Ungender Legal Advisory.
This intensive capacity building workshop will be conducted on December 12, 2020, for a period of 6 hours, with half hour lunch break in between, and an assessment test.
INR 10,000/- along with certificate (exclusive of taxes)
Who Will Conduct The Program?
Pallavi Pareek, Founder and CEO of Ungender Legal Advisory and Conduct and Suruchi Kumar, Head of Legal Services at Ungender.
Focus On The Following Key Aspects:
– Investigation process and timelines.
– Important aspects during investigation: what are principles of natural justice, how to deal with parties, what constitutes as bias and unfair treatment, and more.
– IC and powers of the civil court.
– Conclusion of a matter: discussion on important aspects of compensation, recommendations, punishment for malicious/false cases and drafting the inquiry report.
– Duties and responsibilities of IC members under the PoSH Law.
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The above insights are a product of our learning from our advisory work at Ungender. Our Team specialises in advising workplaces on gender centric laws.
or email us at contact@ungender.in