How to make your PoSH training for employees effective?

PoSH training for employees is a mandatory compliance requirement under the PoSH Act, 2013. They are an essential component of any organization’s efforts to create a safe and inclusive workplace. PoSH training for employees helps them understand:
- What constitutes sexual harassment?
- How to identify sexual harassment?
- What steps they can take to prevent it?
It is crucial for HR leaders, People Operations Teams, and Founders to invest in PoSH training for employees that is result-oriented, industry-specific, and holistic.
In this article, we are going to share some tips on how organizations and workplace leaders can make their PoSH training for employees effective.
Also read: Why your company must conduct anti-sexual harassment training
6 ways to make your PoSH training for employees effective
Using a variety of methods for your PoSH training
Different people learn in different ways, so it’s essential to use a variety of training methods to ensure that the information is accessible and engaging for all employees. This can include videos, role-playing exercises, case studies, and interactive discussions.
Tailor the PoSH training content to the audience
The content of the training should be tailored to the audience, taking into account the industry, the level of seniority, and the cultural context. This can help to make the training more relevant and relatable for employees.
Emphasize the importance of reporting incidents
It’s crucial to emphasize to employees the importance of reporting incidents of sexual harassment and the steps that they can take to do so. This can include providing information on the reporting process, the support that is available, and the protections that are in place for them.
Address myths and misconceptions in PoSH training
Many people have misconceptions about sexual harassment and these can hinder efforts to prevent it. It’s essential to address these myths and misconceptions head-on and provide accurate information on what constitutes sexual harassment and how it can be prevented.
Encourage active participation in PoSH training
Encourage employees to actively participate in the training by asking questions, including polls and Q&As, and engaging in discussions. This can help to create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.
Follow up with additional training and support
PoSH training for employees should be just one part of a broader effort to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers should follow up with additional training and support, such as one-on-one coaching and counseling, to ensure that employees have the resources and support they need to prevent and report incidents of sexual harassment.
By following these tips, employers can create PoSH training for employees that is engaging, informative, and impactful, and that helps to create a workplace culture that is safe, equitable, and inclusive.
Also read: The six elements of effective PoSH training
The ideal frequency of PoSH training for employees
How to determine the ideal frequency?
The frequency of PoSH training for employees can depend on several factors. These include
- The size and nature of the organization
- the level of risk for sexual harassment
- The requirements under the relevant laws.
Under the PoSH Act, 2013, the general guideline is to conduct PoSH training for employees at least once a year. However, employers must understand how crucial these training sessions are and conduct them either bi-annually or quarterly. A higher frequency of conducting these training sessions ensures that
- Employees stay up to date with the PoSH Act and how it impacts them
- New hires are timely made aware of the prevention of workplace sexual harassment
Ultimately, the frequency of PoSH training for employees will depend on the needs and context of the organization. Employers should assess the level of risk for sexual harassment in their workplace and determine the appropriate frequency and format for PoSH training for employees based on this assessment.
Also read: Why POSH training is important
Annual PoSH training for employees
Annual training sessions can help to reinforce the importance of preventing sexual harassment in the workplace and can provide employees with an opportunity to refresh their knowledge and skills on this critical issue.
In addition, annual training can help to ensure that employees are aware of any updates or changes to the organization’s policies and procedures related to sexual harassment.
It is also important to note that PoSH training for employees should not be a one-time event. Employers should provide ongoing training and support to employees to ensure that they have the resources and knowledge they need to prevent and report incidents of sexual harassment.
This can include providing access to counseling and support services, conducting regular check-ins with employees, and creating a culture of trust and respect in the workplace.
Companies must create awareness about workplace sexual harassment with PoSH training and awareness programs. Invest in training on employee rights, appropriate workplace conduct, employer duties, and complaint redressal mechanism to create a safe workplace. PoSH training and awareness programs empower them to build a safe workplace from the ground level.
Also read: 10 Ways training can help in preventing Sexual Harassment at Workplace
How can Ungender help you?
Are you contemplating and exploring PoSH training for employees at your workplace? At Ungender, our team of experts will help you create a safe workplace by developing employee-centric PoSH training. We also create employee surveys and feedback to ensure your employees’ deep and long-term learning of workplace safety laws.
Moreover, our PoSH compliance SaaS platform, Conduct, works as your perfect guide to creating a safe workplace for your employees. On Conduct, your employees can learn uninterrupted through our interactive e-learning modules. They are accessible from anywhere at any time. You don’t need to get all your employees in one place at one time anymore.
Onboard your employees on Conduct and get them started on their learning journey. Get in touch with our team or directly schedule a demo.
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The above insights are a product of our learning from our advisory work at Ungender. Our Team specialises in advising workplaces on gender centric laws.
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