Women in leadership: How to break gender barriers?

Women in leadership: How to break gender barriers?

Women in leadership positions have been breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings around the world. This landscape of corporate leadership is gradually changing. A diverse team helps the organization in approaching challenges from varied and innovative perspectives. India has 36% of women in leadership roles which surpasses the global average of 32%. But this is just one side of the story because only 1 out of 10 women are able to attain leadership roles in India. 

Organizations that boast a higher representation of women as their executive members outperform the organizations that don’t. There is a need for women in leadership roles. HR leaders and founders need to create better policies and opportunities for women. Female leaders bring creativity and innovation to the table, which in turn drives effective solutions for the companies. This blog will help you explore the importance of women in leadership roles, the challenges they face, and the ways in which they are making a significant impact on various fronts.

Ensure inclusivity in your workplace 

Importance of women in leadership 

“ As women achieve power the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things and we’ll all be better off for it.”

This is a quote from Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Women empower Women and when empowered women lead, they bring a more holistic culture to the team. Diverse perspectives, role models, equality, and representation are some of the reasons why women in leadership roles are important. 

Diverse perspectives 

Women bring unique perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving skills to the table. These three skill sets combined encourage creativity and innovation. In totality, it leads to better decision-making benefitting the organization. This can also be seen in organizations that practice higher degrees of diversity they tend to outgrow the ones with lower diversity percentages. 

Better mentors

When women see women in power their whole outlook changes toward their careers. The right kind of mentoring programs can help fill the gap and help women achieve their desired leadership roles. Acting as guides, mentors lead their mentees through a series of structured and/or informal learning experiences to enhance awareness and build capability.

Equality and representation

Having women in leadership positions is a crucial step towards achieving gender equality. Women in leadership also bring more inclusive and diverse views into account leading to better policy-making and decision-making. They bridge gaps like the gender pay gap, gender parity, etc. which in turn play a huge role in employee retention.. 

Challenges faced by women in leadership

Women facing challenges in their workplace is not news, rather it has been a long struggle. The burden of societal norms and expectations often deter women from reaching their best potential. Here are some of the challenges that women face in leadership roles:

Yashi Srivastava, HR Business Partner PUMA India, says:

“Cultivating women’s leadership in organizations necessitates a holistic approach: first, nurturing an inclusive environment with equitable policies and transparent promotion processes. Second, investing in tailored leadership development programs for women, ensures their skillsets align with leadership roles. Third, championing diversity at all organizational levels, from entry-level to executive positions, fosters a rich tapestry of perspectives. Fourth, guaranteeing fair pay practices, rectifying gender wage gaps, and offering flexibility to accommodate various life stages. Finally, fostering a culture where support networks and mentorship flourish, providing women the tools and encouragement to shatter gender barriers and ascend as leaders.”

Gender bias: Gender bias, both conscious and unconscious, remains a significant obstacle for women in leadership. Stereotypes and preconceived notions can hinder their career progression. Organizations can work on these barriers by being transparent and having strict policies against discrimination. Educating and raising awareness on gender bias in the team as well as the executives on gender biases and holding regular feedback sessions will help in making it a bias-free organization. 

Work-life balance: Balancing leadership roles with family responsibilities can be challenging. Societal expectations and lack of support systems can make it even more difficult. Women have had to deal with this outdated idea since inception. Organizations need to make sure that there is flexibility within the corporate ecosystem. It is also very important to be understanding and empathetic. Women in leadership

Also read: How to embrace the Maternity Benefit Act in the workplace? 

Lack of representation: In many industries, women are still underrepresented in leadership positions. This lack of representation can discourage women from pursuing leadership roles. Women in leadership positions is still a work-in-progress situation. The founders and board members of the Organization should step up and take steps toward eradicating the gender- gap by providing opportunities to deserving women. 

Gender pay gap: An average woman is paid 20 percent less than what men are paid at the same stage of their careers. This issue stems from various problematic societal norms such as socio-cultural norms, conscious and unconscious biases, and lower representation of women in the workplace. To overcome the gender pay gap organizations should assess their current state and introduce pay equity organization-wide. Better representation of women at different levels within the organization is also an important step towards gender pay equity. 

Overcoming career gap: Women find it challenging to re-enter the workforce which they had to take a break from due to several personal reasons. While re-entering they have to face stereotypes that hit them from various directions. Organizations should provide basic benefits like menstrual leaves, child care, and support groups, and also increase flexibility at work to help women overcome their career gap and help the organization grow. 

Ways women are breaking barriers in leadership

Women are becoming fearless each day by breaking set norms and barriers in society. Networking and mentorship, education, entrepreneurship, etc. are some of the ways via which women are breaking barriers. Let’s understand them in a little more detail: 

Networking and Mentorship 

Networking is the key to growth in any field and women are building networks and seeking mentorship from established leaders. While networking is essential, having the right kind of mentor is as important in the professional world as it offers guidance and support, and helps women navigate the challenges of leadership. 

Education and Skill Development

Education provides women with the right skills, knowledge, and confidence to fully participate in society and make informed and effective decisions for their work. Women are increasingly focussing their energies on educating and developing themselves in their respective fields. Many women pursue advanced degrees and certifications to enhance their qualifications. 

Supportive Organizations

Women are choosing companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion as it is a more supportive environment for women in leadership. Companies are also starting to inculcate DEIB policies, family-friendly policies, equal pay initiatives, and leadership development programs so as to retain their employees and create a safer and more inclusive workplace.Women in leadership

Also read: How can companies ensure inclusive hiring and promotion? 


Women are increasingly founding their businesses and startups, leading to the transformative growth of various industries. They are bringing innovative and successful solutions to the table. Women are breaking one barrier at a time in their entrepreneurial journey. 


Women in leadership roles are not just breaking gender barriers; they are reshaping the future of leadership itself. Their contributions are vital for achieving diversity, fostering innovation, and ensuring equitable representation in all sectors. While challenges persist, the determination of women leaders continues to inspire change and pave the way for a more inclusive and equal world. 

At Ungender, we have expertise in curating just and inclusive policies. Need help in building an inclusive workplace, get in touch with us or email us at connect@ungender.in


1. What are the barriers to women’s empowerment?

There are many barriers that women face in their life such as gender-based barriers, financial barriers, education barriers, etc.

2. What are the examples of gender barriers?

Some examples are the gender pay gap, unconscious bias against women, etc. 

3. How can women empower women in the workplace?

Women can empower women by acting as mentors when required. They can also help in forming fair and inclusive policies. 

4. What are the barriers to gender diversity in the workplace?

Workplace culture, gender stereotypes, and lack of flexibility are some of the barriers. 

5. How to bring equity to the executive roles in an organization? 

Organizations need to be mindful throughout the whole process of starting from hiring to moving to another organization.

Written by: Aarshi katiyar

The above insights are a product of our learning from our advisory work at Ungender. Our Team specialises in advising workplaces on gender centric laws.

or email us at contact@ungender.in

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