01 A cost-effective PoSH complaint management system

A software that revolutionises the way sexual harassment complaints are managed. Conduct provides you with a legally compliant PoSH management system to streamline your investigation process.
- PoSH Act compliant complaint management system
- Easy to use interface that helps in seamlessly filing, receiving, processing and addressing PoSH complaints
- Creates a safe space by providing anonymity to users to have sensitive conversations about workplace sexual harassment
- 40+ templates ready to be used provided in the PoSH toolkit
- Makes ICs accessible to employees even before a complaint has been filed by bridging the communication gap
- Helps build an atmosphere of trust and reliability in the grievance redressal mechanism
02 Build the most efficient redressal mechanism for your company
We provide you with a system for your Internal Committees to streamline their documentation, resulting in legal compliance and timely redressal of complaints as mandated by the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act, 2013
- Coordinate with multiple IC teams in your company, across locations on parallel sexual harassment investigation cases.
- Helps IC members address employee queries and provide resolutions anonymously
- Provides updates for upcoming IC meetings
- Assists in External Member empanelment on ICs
- Facilitates completion of each investigation by providing for a time bound procedure
- A sophisticated PoSH management system that keeps ICs up-to-date on individual case status

03 Employee learning: We help you understand your teams better

One-time awareness sessions may not be enough. With Conduct you can understand your company’s diversity profile and facilitate targeted and customised learnings for your employees based on their profile.
- Unique micro-lessons combined with behavioural nudges to allow for behaviour modification.
- Helps employees understand the PoSH Act, 2013 and D&I concerns in an easy and effective manner
- Allows for anytime access to learnings for more in-depth understanding of concepts
- Interactive modules that are not more than 5-8 minutes long that help employees better understand workplace conduct
- Builds a continuous culture enhancement education across hierarchy and functions
Want to know more about how Conduct will help you with your PoSH compliance and D&I mandates? Get on a one-on-one call with us and we’ll be happy to assist you!
You can schedule a call here. or email us at contact@ungender.in
Conduct is dedicated to helping you meet all your PoSH compliance and D&I mandates.
Schedule a call with us for a one-on-one consultation