Survey: Is Your Workplace Inclusive?

Written by: Team Ungender
It has been proven time and again that companies that are inclusive fare better on the whole. According to a recent study by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), titled ‘Diversity Matters,’ in which 366 public companies were surveyed from different countries in the Western world, it was found that:
1. Gender-diverse companies are more likely to perform 15% better
2. Ethnically-diverse companies are more likely to perform 35% better
However, the study also found that South Asia’s (excluding India) Gender Parity Score was the lowest. When a company pays attention to who they invite to represent their workforce, they create wonderful spaces where people, regardless of their gender, sex, sexuality, caste, race, race and ability can co-exist and co-work. Are your company’s diversity and inclusion metrics fantastic? Do the employees in your organisation feel they are seen and heard and can represent with an empowered voice?
We are conducting this survey to gauge how you are experiencing your organisation. This is a response survey to map India’s most inclusive places to work.
You can take the survey, here.
*This survey is solely for the purpose of data collection. Participation is purely voluntary and no personal information, including email, is not mandatorily required. The privacy of all information is guaranteed. The inclusion of the name of the workplace is mandatory.
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The above insights are a product of our learning from our advisory work at Ungender. Our Team specialises in advising workplaces on gender centric laws.
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